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Support Us


Chief Angus Chukuemeka

"We greatly rely on donations to keep us up and running as we are a charity after all, If you would like to discuss how you could support the local community, by potentially donating time, skills or funds please get in touch by clicking on link below" 

Please watch our short video to find out more

Internat​ional Ga​r​den of Peace - Fund raising

One of the community projects we are currently raising funds for is to enable the creation of an "Internation​al Garden of Peace" on an under-used piece of land next to our centre, we are aiming to provide our multi-cultural community with an area of recreation and tranquillity, promoting community growth, harmony, and friendship. 

Supporters of Crawford House Community Partnership 

Please scroll to the side to see the Friends, Partners and Funders who we work closely with to enable us to help to create a better Community for all 


Volunteeri​ng at Crawford House

If you feel that you can spare some time to help out at Crawford House , we deliver a variety of activities for the benefit of the local community please get in touch or register your interest with the team at Crawford House


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