Learni​ ng
Learni​ ng
"Life is like a bicycle, to keep your balance you must keep moving forward" - Albert Einstein

IT Skills and Courses
IT Skills and Courses
We are an accredited Online learning Centre, Our IT Courses allow those who are catching up with the changing digital world to gain skills in basic operating systems on computers.
ESOL Training
ESOL Training
Our ESOL courses are for varying levels and are suitable for learners whose first language is not English. Learners develop their reading, writing, listening, speaking skills and also grow their knowledge of the English language

WEA - Improve your Employability Course
WEA - Improve your Employability Course
If you are from a BAME or Under represented group we can offer support and advice to help you improve your employability along with the skills to assist and identify opportunities that are suitable for you
Veterans Foundation - Health, Welfare & Employment Support
Veterans Foundation - Health, Welfare & Employment Support
The Crawford House Veterans Support project aims to assist veterans and their families by providing employability skills, volunteering opportunities, health and wellbeing provision for those who are from a military background

Onward Homes - DIY Skills course
Onward Homes - DIY Skills course
Learn how to undertake DIY activities to keep your home in good condition, from fixing a damaged lock, changing a plug, new decorating and painting skill and techniques to benefit you and your home
Building Futures Programme
Building Futures Programme
The Building Futures programme is aimed at individuals who are interested in taking their first steps toward a new career in Construction, A variety of learning areas are covered, industry accredited qualifications are also provided to improve your employability

Volunteering at Crawford House
Volunteering at Crawford House
If you feel that you can spare some time to help out at Crawford House to assist in the delivery of a variety of activities for the benefit of the local community please get in touch or register your interest below
Health and Welfare Support
Health and Welfare Support
We offer a variety of Health and Welfare sessions, they aim to improve your mental or physical health, techniques are taught and advice given to help your health and welfare

" the computing course has helped me land a job and allowed me to do things I never knew you could do with a computer "
Register your Interest in our Learning here
Register your Interest in our Learning here
Please complete the registration form below if you are interested in accessing any of our courses
Please complete the registration form below if you are interested in accessing any of our courses